Feb 2020 update: Blackhorse lane reopening

ONE (Hooray!)

I am writing to let you know that at approximately 10:00am on Tuesday 25 February Blackhorse Lane will reopen in full to two-way traffic.

All bridge deck and resurfacing work is complete and final improvement work on pavements and side roads is progressing well.

To facilitate the full reopening, Blackhorse Lane will temporarily close to all traffic between its junctions with Morland Road and Teevan Road at the following times:

  • Monday 24 February 08:00 to midnight
  • Tuesday 25 February midnight to 10:00am

 This is to allow for the safe removal of vehicle control barriers along the road.

Local traffic will be temporarily diverted during this period via Morland Road, Woodside Green and Spring Lane. Traffic Marshalls will be present to assist road users.

Pedestrian access will not be affected and all walking routes will remain open at all times.

Noisy work

The barrier removal work will generate some noise. We will minimise disruption for local residents as much as possible by limiting noisier activities to the day-time and carrying out quieter activities at night. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Elmers Road and Dalmally Road

On Tuesday 25 February both roads will also reopen to two-way traffic. Vehicles will have full access to turn into and out of Blackhorse Lane.

 Looking ahead

Parts of Addiscombe Railway Park have also undergone improvement work. The Park is due to reopen to the public, in full, in March.

More details about the work at Blackhorse Lane can be found on the TfL website at tfl.gov.uk/blackhorse-lane-bridge  

This web page will shortly be updated to include news of this important update, and on Friday 14 February we are delivering letters to residents in the area to make them aware. A copy of the letter is attached for your information.

 Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Michelle Wildish

Engagement Officer (south) | Local Communities and Partnerships, Email: michellewildish@tfl.gov.uk


The Croydon RNLI fundraising branch are looking for helpers to collect at East Croydon on 28th April between 7.30 at 8pm at night max of 2 hours any time period in between the times.

Also outside Gibsons Butchers, Lower Addiscombe Road on Saturday 2 May between 8am and 3pm to help collect and run the stand.

You don’t have to be a member

You will be with others and members of the branch. You will be provided with all the kit:-  box, tabard etc.

If you are able to help email please Steve at



Can you please share the information below across community groups you know in Croydon, and ask them to display the attached poster wherever they can.

 Help prevent the spread of coronavirus

 A UK-wide public information campaign is encouraging everyone to play their part in helping to slow the spread of viruses, and reduce the impact on NHS services.

 The campaign is clear that the Government and NHS are ready and prepared to deal with coronavirus. But, there are important steps we can all take to protect ourselves and others from viruses and germs.

 Following these steps will help slow the spread of almost any germs, including coronavirus:

  • Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze.
  • Bin the tissue, and to kill the germs, wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel.

Information about coronavirus

  • Coronavirus presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough or difficulty breathing. Anyone with any concerns is advised to follow NHS advice or call NHS 111.
  • Calling NHS 111 as a first step reduces the risks of viruses spreading unnecessarily, particularly in public spaces like hospitals and GP surgeries – helping to protect some of our most vulnerable residents.
  • To find out the latest about coronavirus, and for specific health advice regarding people that have recently travelled in China, visit the gov.uk webpages.

 Watch the short campaign video (46 seconds) here and you can also find out more about the evolving

Please follow the advice and support this important campaign