Each year since 2015 ASPRA has arranged the festive lights along the high street.
The charges for these lights are guaranteed by ASPRA, supported by member donations to our ‘projects’ fund, but we do need additional external finance in order to continue to be able to provide this wonderful facility.
Thanks to all our business contributors (both past and present) over the years, who include:-
In 2015 ASPRA contracted and financially underwrote (thanks to some committee members) the Festive Lighting along Addiscombe Village shops. This five year contract provided different designs each year, supplied by Festive Lighting, they are installed and maintained by Skansa, Croydon Council contractors. Additional one year contracts, for 2020,2021 and 2022 were agreed. ASPRA is hopeful that the contract can be renewed for 2023 onwards.
Members have the option as part of their membership to donate ‘over and above’ for our projects including these lights, we also thank our local councillors for their previous Community Grants in previous years which have been a real help. Fingers crossed that Croydon Council finances can be improved and that hese important grans can continue to help the community directly.
Each year we seek donations from local traders and organisations and thank them for their contributions.
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