Have your say

There are several surveys out there at the moment, don’t miss the chance to have your say about our local libraries, parks and Croydon’s renewal plan.

Libraries: consultation ends March 7th

In response to the borough’s unprecedented financial deficit, the council has launched an online survey asking residents how they use the libraries service and what their views are on proposals to close five of its 13 library buildings.  The buildings at Bradmore Green, Shirley, Sanderstead, South Norwood and Broad Green will close unless viable alternative plans are found that require no public money.

At this stage the council want to hear your views on the proposals, ideas for the library service and suggestions for alternative ways we could use library buildings.

Libraries consultation website and questionnaire: www.croydon.gov.uk/library-consultation

Phone number (answerphone) for requesting paper copy to be posted: 020 7884 5159

Email address for enquiries:  librariesconsultation@croydon.gov.uk

Public consultation timetable:

Initial consultation on proposals begins 14 January 2021
Initial consultation ends (survey closes) 7 March 2021
Consultation outcome & options report April 2021
Consultation finishes May 2021
Final report June 2021
Final decision Summer 2021
Implementation September 2021 (expected)


Croydon Council’s renewal plan: consultation closes 24th Jan

Croydon Council still wants to hear from residents, staff and partners on plans to get its finances back on track and focus on providing the best essential services they can, while living within our means.

More information and the proposals are here.

A document of frequently asked questions relating to the proposals can be found here: Croydon’s-Savings-Proposals-–-Parks-and-Open-Spaces-faqs