Merry Christmas from our parks friends

Below from Mieke, our ‘Parks person’ in Croydon Council

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2020, whatever it might bring.

Thank you very much for all your time, enthusiasm and continued commitment to Croydon’s Parks and Open Spaces. We don’t say it enough and some take it for granted but without all your support and practical input I/we would not be able to achieve the many things we do achieve –despite the many odds. A huge thanks from me!

Just one last thing to do before the year is gone –

If you have not already done so please take a few minutes and add your views to the ongoing Croydon Plan consultation, It looks at options of where to put all the extra housing that needs to be built in the coming years.

The pressure on Green Belt land and existing parks and open spaces is growing as they will have to absorb the increase in visitor numbers and need for social infrastructure such as schools, so your voices to safeguard our green heritage areas in Croydon are important.

For more information, and to take part in the consultation, visit

Many thanks and all the best

Meike Weiser