Our next meeting will be held on Wed 8th September at St Mildred’s; they have provided us with some Covid- safety instructions and other information with which we need to comply. We hope that this will also reassure you that we will all be aiming to keep one another safe.
The meeting will be in the Large Hall, which is much better ventilated and means that seating can be arranged for everyone to feel safe. We ask everyone to maintain social distancing when standing and moving about as well, and to respect other people’s personal space by avoiding close contact such as hand-shakes etc.
For our first meeting back we have decided not to serve refreshments but you are welcome to bring your own along.
Please arrive between 7.45 and 8pm and take a seat in the Large Hall, after using the non-touch wall mounted sanitizer unit in the centre’s side entrance lobby. (We would appreciate no chairs being moved on this occasion.)
Anyone using the toilets must sanitize their hands both when entering and leaving the toilet area at the wall mounted non touch hand sanitizer located on the concourse wall adjacent to the toilets.
No rooms other than the Large Hall and the toilets must be entered while we are at St Mildred’s, and we are asked to avoid touching any equipment belonging to other organisations.
Sanitizer spray and cloths will be available in the kitchen if there is a need to wipe over a table or chair. (Your committee will have checked these over before you arrive.)
There are no other users in the centre on this evening; as ventilation is of prime importance, doors from the concourse will be left open to maintain airflow, as well as one of the external hall doors/windows.
Whilst it is now individuals’ personal choice about when and where to wear a mask, we would very much appreciate all those who can to wear a mask during the meeting. (Your mask may be removed if you wish to speak at the meeting, to help everyone to hear clearly.)
You must not attend the meeting if you or anyone in your household has Covid symptoms, or has had any symptoms in the last 7 days. If you develop Covid 19 symptoms within 7 days of the meeting you MUST advise ASPRA, who will share the information with St Mildred’s as well as other attendees at the meeting.
For this reason we are required to keep a record of attendees and so we will be asking you to sign in.
To help us run the meeting safely we would appreciate you confirming attendance so we do not exceed the room limit. Please email secretary@aspra.uk if you wish to attend.
Having got all the important formalities detailed above, it just remains for the committee to say that we are looking forward to ASPRA’s first meeting in person since February 2020, and to welcoming you back.
We look forward to seeing you.
ASPRA Committee.